Sacketts harbour |
Triple Minor | Diff: 0 | 0 |
32 Bars | Triple Progression |
A1 | F&B, Circle 6 L 3/4 |
A2 | 1s down the set (across the room), turn alone, back up, cast 1 place |
B1 | Contra Corners STW (but fall back to place after turning second corner) |
B2 | Hold hands with Partner, 1s (in middle) down room, 2s and 3s (ends) up the room, Circle new 6 (or 4 or 2) R 3/4, form new-new circles of 6 |
The 6 that rotate R 3/4 are NOT the 6s that start the next time through. 1s always 1s on the way down, 2s and 3s alternate on the way up |